Women's Ministry

The goal of the women’s ministry at Believers Fellowship is to mature in our relationship with the Lord, to serve Him with our Christian sisters, and to encourage and equip each other so we can minister to the world around us.

Get Connected
We want women who join our church family to feel like they belong. The best way to do this is to GET CONNECTED: that is to become an active part of the ministry at Believers Fellowship. By reaching out through phone calls, cards, or email we keep women informed about the various events and opportunities available for them to use their gifts; we help women GET CONNECTED!

Our Mission Team supports our overseas and stateside missionaries, prison ministry, evangelism and outreach through prayer, fundraising, and publicity. 

Special Events And Hospitality
Our quarterly EncourageHer evenings and annual RefreshHer retreats are planned to do just that: encourage and refresh each other through fellowship, worship, and timely teachings from a variety of spiritually mature speakers whom God has uniquely equipped to build the women of His church.

Bible Study
A women’s Bible study is offered on a weekly basis at various times throughout the year. This is an intimate time of delving in to God’s Word and applying it to our lives today. It also provides opportunity for prayer and encouragement. Childcare for young children is available during these sessions. For a list of our current Bible Studies 

Hope For Tomorrow
This is our way of reaching out in love to those in our church who, for any reason, cannot physically be a part of our fellowship, or those who are grieving. Our vision is to provide regular, personal visits, sermon tapes, meals, transportation, and any other needed services.    

Mentoring assists in guiding women on the path described by God in Titus 2:3-5. Spiritually mature women are called to be reverent examples to newer women in Christ, encouraging them to love their husbands and children, to be sensible and pure, and to honor the Word of God. Women need more than a simple reminder that “Jesus loves you…” and “Obey your husbands…” and then to be sent on their way. This ministry has been designed by God, for God, and will be accomplished through His grace. Mentoring will be approached by women who are unconditionally supportive and committed to making a difference in each other’s lives.
Contact: Laural Cabrera 281.537.2435

Help Us Grow!

If you don’t see a place where you could use your particular gift, or if you know of a need that is not being met by one of these ministry areas, please share your ideas with one of our Ministry Team Leaders (see the back of the brochure). We are a dynamic ministry, continually growing and changing as the Holy Spirit leads.